
Friday, September 10, 2010

Before and few days later.....

We are knee high in dust at the ole homestead.  I have taken a few pictures that I wanted to share.  We have a long way to go, but I am liking what I see...........

Study BEFORE.....

and study a few days later.....

Study BEFORE.... 

and study a few days later.....

Up with the new doors and down with the old ceiling....

Laundry room BEFORE.....

and laundry room a few days later.....

Laundry room BEFORE....

and laundry room a few days later.....

It looks like a mess (and I can assure you it is), but we are making progress!  As of today, the drywall is in place and the counter tops are in!  Anyone want to help me dust this weekend? :)